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You have reached the NEW web site for the Bay State Seniors.

The OLD web site is no longer available.  Please log in here and review your profile information.

If you are a member and need help with logging in, please check your email for instructions that were sent on December 7, 2024.  The Subject was "Welcome to the new web site for the BSSGA".



Bay State Seniors Golf Association

The Bay State Seniors Golf Association was founded in 1961. As stated in our Constitution's preamble "It is the purpose of this organization to promote friendly competition and good fellowship in golf among the senior players."

Each year the BSSGA organizes four major golf events. We also send teams to compete in state team matches against similar teams from other New England states and have two intra-mural team matches.

While the membership is composed of male golfers (age 50 and older), the opportunity to participate in the major golf events is extended to wives and significant others.

Event Schedule

Updated February 12, 2025.

Bonita Bay East, Naples, FL, February 7th.

Annual Meeting – Hyannisport and Wianno, May 26, 27, 28

Bald Peak, June 11,12

Pleasant Valley, September 25

Taconic, date and event TBD

More events are in the planning stage.

All of the above events will be open to Men and Women.

In addition to the Mixed Event Matches, the following Men's Team Matches will be contested:

BSSGA/CSSGA will be hosted by CT at Brooklawn CC in Fairfield, CT on July 10 

BSSGA/RISSGA, at Brae Burn in Newton, MA on July 22

TRI-STATE, at RICC in Barrington, RI on August 7



Bay State Seniors Golf Association
33 Grist Mill Lane, Hampden, MA 01036